Where do your ideas come from?
Generally, I follow a lot of on-line forums. I see constant themes in questions across platforms. The become fodder for my blog.
So why do you use a PDF convertor? Why not roll your own PDF?
I try to ALWAYS provide a PDF of my articles so people can read them offline. Originally, I hand-crafted each PDF which produced excellent results but were nearly impossible to keep in sync with the blog article. To overcome this, I am using a plugin which creates a PDF from the actual blog post. The original PDF plugin failed to capture footnotes from the article. I worked with the vendor to fix this issue. Now, the PDFs don’t look as good but they are always in sync with the article at the time of pushing “download.” I keep a version number in the lower right corner of the last page of the article. If you spot an error in your PDF, please compare the version of your PDF to the version of the online article. It’s possible the issue has already been resolved.
Can we play ASL?
Of course! Contact me and lets see what we can work out. Keep in mind I currently live in Germany. While I am retired and can generally play at just about any time, I do have to keep my wife happy too.
Can you please cover <insert topic here>?
Perhaps. If you have an idea for a topic, please use the Request form in the menu bar above. I will contact you to make sure I understand the request. I will also let you know if I can take on the topic or not.
Can I use your article in my publication?
Almost certainly. You can also tailor it if you need to. You article needs to link back to the original. Contact me using the contact form so we can discuss it.
Can you author an article for my publication?
Contact me using the contact form so we can discuss what you need. I want to retain ownership of the article and will post it here on my blog at some point after your publication. This is so I can correct any errors that may be discovered. I also like to refer to previous articles in follow on articles and having all my work in one place facilitates this.